Monday, July 1, 2013

Hello July

And July has arrived.

and I need to remember to change the calendars over.

And it's hot.  We're having a hot spell over here in the West.  Today's high is nearly 90. 

I detest the heat.  Detest with a capitol DETEST.  It makes me horribly ill. 

Saturday was too hot, and I spent most of Sunday ill from it.  Oh well.  We have ice and water at work and I suck that down like it's going out of style.

The summer spinning challenge started on Saturday.  Spinning like yarn, not spinning on a bicycle.  I spun some on Saturday, but the fibers were very cranky and I didn't spin as much as I might have liked.

Sunday I didn't do much because I was too ill.  But I did get some spinning done in the evening. 

Tonight I shall make sure to get some water once I am home again and depending on the time, I might spin a bit.  We shall see.  I had meant to bring a spindle with me, but failed.  I had too many things on my mind when I left this morning.

There hasn't been too much going on.  I had meant to work on the cap yesterday, but if you can't see, you definitely can't thread beads. 

Tomorrow is supposed to be another hot hot day and I will make a decision on dance class closer to the time. 

Instead, I shall continue to try to work on cleaning the house and spinning and beading.

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