Thursday, September 3, 2015

Short post tonight

I apparently had a shot of crazy today.

I somehow promised to make cookies for our team meeting tomorrow. In my copious amounts of spare time (this is sarcasm. Trust me, MUCH sarcasm.)

I also wanted to run to the dollar store after work to see if I could find something fun to do during our team meeting tomorrow.

So dollar store first, then home (at 9pm) to make cookies... that require an hour of chilling in the fridge between the mixing of the dough and the baking of the cookies.... yeah, crazy talk.

But here we are, at 11:45pm, and the last of the cookies came out of the oven. I have 2 dozen (and could have had more if I had made them smaller) chewy dark chocolate chunk cookies.

I also have a Bingo game, plastic jumping frogs, plastic winner medals, and a large refill of liquid hand soap. (The soap is for the house, not the meeting, but hey, it was a dollar and it will fill my hand soap dispenser at least twice! It's pretty wonderful.)

I am planning to go over the few work things we need to work on, then maybe play a Bingo game, and/or race the plastic frogs up the length of a table. Winners of the frog races will get medals. Winner of Bingo will get Candy or something. If I have to, I'll supply the candy bar myself. Or whatever the prize ends up being. And if we still have time left, I plan to have my speaker and my game of Lazy Musical Chairs with me. Because that one has been a huge hit for several months.

For now, I'm happy I got some of the cookie mess cleaned up. The rest will be cleaned up tomorrow. But it's time for bed. I have another long day tomorrow.

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