Tuesday, January 1, 2019

New year, finally!

Hopefully you got better things than I did for the holidays.

I got a cold. Yuck.

The bird got a couple of movies from my mother. I believe Fiddler on the Roof and South Pacific, maybe? I haven't picked up the package yet, so I don't remember for sure.

She also got Holiday Inn from me (because she loves Bing Crosby... good taste bird, good taste.)

My gifts to myself were a gorgeous drop spindle and a new watch. Other than that, it was just time. Time at home, time without deadlines, time to cuddle with the bird. And it was wonderful.

I worked from home, and the bird got to be out all day long. She then spent a big part of her day napping. But that's okay. I wanted to nap too.

I am officially (finally) graduated. I even have the diploma to prove it!

I need to get a frame for the diploma and hang it up. I'm so proud of myself!

Now I get to start paying for the diploma... most expensive piece of paper ever.

The saddest news was that one of my online friends died this past Saturday. It's been a very rough year in 2018. This doesn't start 2019 off in the happiest of notes. Leo wasn't someone I had ever met in person. But I had known him online through the knitting and spinning community for years and years. We've talked about lots of things through different forums. And it's an awful blow to have him be gone all of a sudden like that.

I knitted a star over the weekend. It's black, but has lots of colors tucked away in the yarn that don't really show up until the light hits it just right.

And I think that's such a good image for people as well. They look like just one thing until you look at them from the right angle, the right light, the right way... then they sparkle with all the colors that are inside.

Rest well Leo. The star can guide you to the next place you need to be on your journey.

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