Friday, May 17, 2019

Still working on getting a bit more in the habit of posting

If for no other reason, than because it's good practice to write!

Learning to edit is not easy. I've been in this class now for nearly 6 weeks and several of the early assignments felt really like an exercise in "Just how stupid am I?"

The thing is that I really don't want to be an editor. I know that's not where my strengths lie. I am a better than average writer. I write good copy for things and I can take instructions and turn them into a decent customer facing How-To page. But editing is not my strong suit.

I'm comma-happy, for one. I don't usually catch the nuances for what maybe isn't the correct way to write something or maybe just skip over some of the words that completely change the meaning.

That's why I'm in this class, though, right?

I keep working at it, and if nothing else, the amount of weight that I carry around with these text books definitely gets my weight-lifting in!

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