Friday, February 28, 2020

Well, that didn't work

I don't know what happened there, but my last two posts ended up disappearing before they even posted.

Well, then I'll just post a little blurb now and a bigger blurb on another day.

Are you staying healthy? Are you worried about the covid-19? Are you stocking up on toilet paper?

The people around here are going bonkers. They've practically cleaned out a few different Costcos... COSTCO... the WAREHOUSE STORE. Where you buy a lifetime supply of toilet paper and need a truck to haul it all home.

Yeah, people have cleaned out most of the Costcos around here. Not just of things like food, but people are literally FIGHTING OVER TOILET PAPER...

Seriously? WHY? It's toilet paper. It's not an absolute necessity of life. But there it is.

I managed to catch a nasty nasty cold.

But I know it is just a cold. I'm over it now, but I still have a cough that is lingering because of all the irritation to the lining of my throat from when I was actually sick.

I'll be glad when the cough finally goes away.

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