Wednesday, July 22, 2009

More going on all over the place

New job is still going well. But until the end of July, I probably won't have as much time as I want to do my crafty things. Right now I am matching my schedule to the schedule of the person who is training me. But I want to come in a bit earlier. I have too many evening commitments now to work until 7 or 8.

I have 4 ounces of wool roving that I dyed in purple and black. It's lovely. I will have pictures tomorrow. Today I took the plunge and actually dyed some Tussah silk. That's silk gathered from wild silk worms. It's this gorgeous slightly cream color naturally, and I dyed it with purple and black as well. It looks lovely. I will have pictures of that tomorrow as well.

I plan to do much picturing tomorrow. :) I will add pictures of the yarn spun from the fire colored roving as well. It turned out to have more pink than I normally would want, but it's still pretty.

The last experiment I am doing tonight is I am trying out an idea for overdyeing of fiber. I have 4 ounces of wool in the oven with a beautiful light grass green all over it. There's some variegation of the color, but not much. It's pretty even. I am then going to use garbage yarn to tie off sections and then dye the roving again with a medium blue dye. Tie off again and dye with purple, then one more tie off and dye little bits of it with black. I am curious to see how that turns out.

I think that roving is going to take a couple of days, since it's 30 minutes per color and then cool and rinse.

I'm hoping to spend time this weekend working on some new jewelry ideas and spinning. I am thinking vaguely of spinning the silk without dyeing it, and then plying it with pearls strung on thread. That's just a thought I am toying with. it might or might not happen. :)

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