Friday, February 15, 2013

The sun is out. It's so weird

The Pacific Northwest is not exactly known for sunshine.  We're more known for rain, clouds, which produce rain, whale watching, in the rain, temperate winters, in the rain, temperate summers, with rain, and even sometimes, some rain.

Today, though is one of our very few contractually required days of sunshine.  It's really lovely out.  Sunny, but not hot.  Jackets are nice, but not absolutely required.  I kind of wish I had been home today since it would have been a nice day to open all the doors and windows.  Let the house air out and bring some sunshine in.

Tomorrow, however, we are supposed to go back to the norm. 

But that's okay.  I don't mind.  I am planning to have a nice and quiet weekend at home.  I need desperately to do laundry, vacuum, and bake some things.

I have plans to get at least 1 more box unpacked and probably all the contents thrown out.

I would like to get the box of books finished up and into the car to go to the bookstore to be sold.  Will that happen?  I don't rightly know.  It could.  It might not.  We just have to wait and see.

I did manage to get the bills paid, and so while I am feeling the pinch, I am also caught up on the bills, which makes me MUCH happier. 

For tonight, I plan to go home, get some dinner, chat with some friends, and knit on my sock.  My poor sock that NEEDS to be done in less than 2 weeks, and I haven't touched since Monday.  I tried to work on it on Monday, but had forgotten to bring new chart print outs for the pattern, and trying to read the charts on my Nook was just not happening.  So I gave up and played Where's My Water? instead.  :)

But I have the correct charts now and I need to finish the heel and then I'm to the foot.  If I work on it regularly, I can finish it in the next 2 weeks without too much trouble.  I just need to work on it.

I am also planning to try a new bread recipe.  My current recipe is great for me.  It works and tastes good and is perfect for sandwich bread.  But I'd like to try one that does not add yeast.  Just to see what the health and vigor of my starter is like now that is it almost 6 years old. 

And I plan to see if I can fit in baking either some chocolate cake or cupcakes.  Because I want to.

But for now, I am off to the post office.  I have a package to head to New Zealand that I need to ship tonight.  Fly away little package!  :)

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