Thursday, January 16, 2020

And now I'm wondering where they all went

I had posts. I had a LOT of posts here in the last 6 months. LOTS of them.

I set them up to publish on a schedule and when I come to see where I'm at in that schedule, they're all gone.

It's like my blog went to sleep and forgot to set the alarm, then there was a power outage and all the saved settings got wiped out.

Guess I'll have to start over.

We've got snow here in the Seattle area. Do you?

Our snow is melting, though I can still hear all the cars crunching through the ice and slush outside as they struggle to get into a parking space without sliding into another car.

I'm grateful that my car is so tiny as to be unsafe to drive in really bad weather.

I'm grateful that I have the ability to work from home when the weather is like this and I can still get paid so that I can keep a roof over my head.

And right now, I'm grateful that my computer is letting me finish typing this before insisting that I must restart for the system upgrades it has declared are mandatory.

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